100 Days and Counting... Challenge

Are you struggling with a sin or a bad habit, and you want to break free? You want to change but you keep repeating that same mistake... Then this challenge is for you! Join Woman of Worth on the journey of going 100 Days and Counting... without falling back in that same sin, bad habit, etc. Each day you will be intentional about your decision to stop. Jessica gives practical tips on how she stop repeating the sin that kept her in bondage. We are on this journey together!! 

Do you want to join the challenge?? It easy, just pray this simple prayer:

Dear Lord, it's me ______________. I have been struggling with___________. I truly want to stop repeating_________ and give my life wholeheartedly to you. I have messed up so many times and I need your strength to stop. Lord, I ask you to forgive me for my sins of________________ and to cleanse me from the inside out. Lord, help me gaurd my heart and defeat plans and attacks from the enemy. I believe you have died on the cross for my sins and I shall know longer stay in bondage because of your precious blood. Lord, I give you these 100 days and counting to change my life and to help me break free from__________. Lord, give me joy, peace, and wholeness as I walk this new journey by faith. In Jesus name, Amen! 

***Congratulations and welcome to the body of Christ!!!! I'm so happy you gave you life to Christ! Remember if you mess up, ask God for forgiveness but don't stay in that sin. Get back up and walk! 100 days and counting.... God is so faithful and He will never fail you!!***

**If you joined the challenge please hostage #100daysandcounting or #womanofworth on social media to let others know you're making a decision to live for Christ. We are in this together! 


Jessica Capers - Woman of Worth YouTube  

  • Jessica post encouraging videos on YouTube every Thursday!!

  • Every Thursday of the week - Accountability check-ins with Jessica (YouTube video - Bible study).