
Founder Jessica Barnes

Jessica Barnes founder of Woman of Worth, is a blog ministry that empowers women to know their worth and identity is found in Christ.  Jessica inspires teens, young adults and women that they are not defined by a relationship, opinions of others, by their circumstances, successes or failures. "You are defined by God and God alone. He identifies you as his own" (2 Corinthians 1:22). Born and raised in Gastonia, North Carolina, Jessica went to earn a athletic scholarship at the University of Miami. After graduating from University of Miami, she earned her Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Today, Jessica spiritually counsels teens, young adults and women to understand,  "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV). Jessica is passionate about teaching women to be totally delivered, set free, and how to receive Jesus gracious gift of salvation. Jessica loves people and enjoy having opportunities to share her testimony and the life-changing message of the Gospel. Dealing with the struggles of everyday life and ungodly relationships; Jessica discovered the freedom to live victoriously by applying God's Word to her life.  Jessica is and continues to be an incredible testimony of being a Woman of Worth.