This is the last part of 'The Promise of God Series'. The past two blogs I talked about not settling and the importance of separation. Abraham's father was headed to the land of canaan but settled (Genesis 11:31-32), which is what we should not do when God is calling us to do something. There is a reason where God is directing you. It is all apart of your calling and to receive your promise, you can’t settle but have to walk by faith. The next topic in the series was separation. We must separate from anything that is holding us back from receiving everything God has for us. Abraham had to separate from his native country and from the idol worship he grew so accustomed to (Genesis 12:1-4). Separation may be hard, but it is necessary for where God is taking you. I also talked about how partial obedience is still disobedience. We can’t try to hold on to stuff that God told us to let go; we have to completely surrender our life and trust that God will never fail us. 

The last topic in the series is ‘The Promise of God - Identity’.

I believe we all have asked the Lord the question of “why I am here, and what is my purpose?”. Sometimes the Lord give us promises in connection to our purpose and sometimes many are still struggling with “what is my purpose?” all together. Maybe God has not reveal to you anything about your purpose, etc. but that does not mean you’re not important because God has a plan specifically for you. Knowing your identity in Christ and the promises of God over your life is essential. When you face trials and tribulation you won’t be so easily moved, give up or have doubts because you know God promises for you still stand and your identify is not found in your circumstances but is found in Christ. Lets look at Joseph life and his journey to receiving his promise from God. 

Background story:

Joseph was the son of Jacob, his son through his wife, Rachel. Joseph's story is found in Genesis 37—50. We are also told that Jacob "loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made an ornate robe for him" (Genesis 37:3). Joseph’s brothers knew their father loved Joseph more than them, which caused them to hate him (Genesis 37:4). To make matters worse, Joseph began relating his dreams to the family—prophetic visions showing Joseph one day ruling over his family (Genesis 37:5–11).

Joseph dreams revealed that one day he would rule over them, so his brothers plotted to kill him in the wilderness. They eventually decided selling Joseph into slavery; Joseph was sold by the merchants to a high-ranking Egyptian named Potiphar and Joseph eventually became the supervisor of Potiphar’s household. 

Despite his brothers plot to destroy him, in Genesis 39 Joseph excelled at his duties, became one of Potiphar’s most trusted servants, and was put in charge of his household. Unfortunately, Potiphar’s wife attempted to seduce Joseph. Joseph consistently refused her advances; however, she falsely accused Joseph of attempted rape, and Potiphar put him in prison (Genesis 39:7–20). Joseph eventually got out of jail due to his gift of interpreting dreams for King Pharaoh. The dream Joseph interpreted was seven years of bountiful harvests followed by seven years of severe famine in Egypt and advised the king to begin storing grain in preparation for the coming dearth (Genesis 41:1–37). For his wisdom, Joseph was made a ruler in Egypt, second only to the king. Joseph was in charge of storing up food during the years of plenty and selling it to Egyptians and foreigners during the years of famine (Genesis 41:38–57). Joseph brothers eventually found out that their brother Joseph was a ruler over them and bowed down to him, which fulfill the dream Joseph had long ago. 

I encourage you to read the story for yourself, but Joseph knew of the promises God had for him and he knew his identify was found in Christ despite his circumstances. We all have a calling; therefore, we cannot give up when things do not go our way. God knows your name, and the plans he has for you will blow your mind. It is importance that we stay faithful because in the right season God will lift you up and reward you for your faithfulness. 

Joseph was labeled as a slave in many incidents in his life BUT he did not have the mentality of a slave and he knew his identify was greater than his circumstances. God can give us promises but when life happens will we still trust those promises and stay faithful to God?

I challenge you to trust God right now and decide that no matter what happens in life, you will always know your identify is found in Christ and that God sincerely loves you. Don’t worry how others treat you or abuse you but allow God to bring justice into your life. 

“No matter where you start, you can have a great finish” - Joyce Meyer


In Genesis 50:20 this is what Joseph said to his brothers

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position, so I could save the lives of many people.” 

Many of you may have been sexually abuse, mistreated by your parents, where in a abusive relationship, or have experience other bad things in life but God is able to turn your ashes into beauty Isaiah 61:3.

"3 To all who mourn in Israel,[a]  he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory." Isaiah 61:3 

God will bring Good out of what the enemy intended for evil. Your promise still stand and remember your identity is found in Christ so keep trusting God and He will see you through.


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